Called to Serve in the Philippines Quezon City Mission
Speaking the Tagalog language
January 2013 to July 2014

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hello Family and Friends!!

First off Thank You for all of the Birthday Wishes:) I can't believe I'm turning 22 I'm getting old! haha jokelang but really! Since tomorrow is transfer day we are celebrating tonight, we are going to pick up a cake on the way home and have a small party later tonight with the other 4 sisters who live in our same apartment complex.  One of them has a birthday as well this week on the 19th so we are celebrating it all together.  So it should be fun:) 

Whew! I don't even know where to start because this week has been crazy great and so many things have happened.  First off, Transfers! I got a call from President Revillo on Sunday night and he asked if I would accept the calling to be one of the new Sister Trainer Leaders in the mission.  So because of this it means that I will be transferred and will become companions with Sister Campbell who is currently a STL.  I'm so excited because I love her and I actually just worked with her last week on Thursday for the day and we just work so great together and talked the whole day while working so we already know each other pretty well now haha:) Happy Day!  I'm a little nervous for this new calling it's a big responsibility, We have about 25+ sisters in our route and will travel around the mission working with them and doing training. but I am really grateful that I get this opportunity to work with the sisters in our mission and help them in their missionary work.  I hope that I will be able to Strengthen them and be a good example for them.   I am very sad to leave Sister Dickison though:( We were hoping that we would be together one more transfer but I guess the lord has other plans.  She is still in my group of sisters that I am over so I will get to work with her again in these next 6 weeks.  Thank goodness:)  But her new companion is one of my past companions and I know they will get along great! 
We had 2 Christmas parties this week, one for the mission and the missionaries and one for our ward.  They were both so fun:) Our mission party was great they even let us watch a movie called "Arthur's Christmas" which was insanely cute and I recommend that you rent it and watch it! It has such a great message:) It made me miss watching movies though haha! All the zones performed skits and they were really funny and some super creative!  Our ward Christmas party was...different...haha! different from the States you will have to ask me about it when we skype hehe but it was fun and the members even brought some non-member friends with them so that was great and we had fun meeting them and talking to them.  We have plans to come to their houses and share a message with them later this week.  It was a costume party too actually (I know weird...cause its Christmas)  but yah so sister DIckison and I dressed as Senior Sister missionaries haha we looked pretty legit and everyone called us "the Lola's" (the grandmothers) all night haha It was fun.  Mom, don't worry I took lots of pics;) 

I am also sad to leave this area, it's really progressing and we have progressing investigators who are going to be baptized in January.  One of them being a 14 year old girl named Angelica.  The family she is living with referred her to us. She is a survivor of Typhoon Yolanda, her school and house and everything got washed away so her family sent her alone here to live with extended family and continue her schooling.  She's very shy and quiet but very kind and sweet and we just fell in love with her! She gets sad sometimes and starts crying if she talks about home or her family, wish I could be here to see her get baptized but it's okay.  I know she will be blessed and find strength and comfort in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
We have also been finding many great families! Yay:) I am so sad to leave them but I know they are in good hands.  During our first lesson with one specific family, the spirit was so strong and by the end of the lesson the Dad in the family and I were crying, he was talking about how much he loves his family and how he didn't know why he had stopped us in the street and asked us to share a message with him.  We shared our testimonies about the special message we had for him and his family and how Families can be together forever, I told him that it was not an accident that he stopped us and that we happened to be there at the right time.  It's just a testimony to me that the Lord truly guides us in everything, he guides us to certain places at certain times for a certain reason.  I'm grateful that I've learned better in my mission how to listen to the spirit and let go of my wants and desires and let the Holy ghost be my guide.  And I'm grateful for this past Transfer and for my companion and our unity in teaching and in the same righteous desires.  

I can't wait to talk to you next week family:) I will email again on my next p-day on Monday, we will work out the specifics more than.  Have a wonderful week and enjoy all the Christmas celebrations coming up, and again thank you for all the Birthday wishes Everyone!  love you! 

Sister Ammah Jones   

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