Hello Family!!:)
Well this week has been pretty great, We had 2 baptisms this week Ella & Iris. Ella is the one who will be leaving for Japan pretty soon and she really wanted to be baptized here in her home town before she left, we had to teach her a little faster than normal haha but she was so prepared for the gospel. Her younger brother just got baptized in January and he used his priesthood for the first time to baptize her, It was a great opportunity for him. Iris is just 8 years old. Her parents aren't members but her Grandma is a very active member of the church and lives just next door so she was able to be baptized. She is the sweetest and cutest thing ever! As they walked up to the front during sacrament meeting, they held each others hands and walked up together, my heart was just about to burst it was so cute. It's moments like that that remind me of why i'm here and gives me that push to keep going and work hard everyday.
Iris on her baptism day |
Sister Morrell and Iris |
My lunch everyday this week has been dry tuna on whole wheat toast and fresh greenbeans. |
Yummy fish that one of our friends brings to us to cook. |
We have found some great potential investigators just in these past few days. One his name is Edgar, we came to teach our investigators Flor and Benji and he was there so we invited him to listen to our message. He was so interested and just told us about how he had been having some rough times, he and his wife are separated for a time and he is living with his cousin in our area. I think he's just been searching for something, so that he can find purpose and meaning in life. I know heavenly Father put him in our path so that we could find him and share with him the gospel. Even after the first lesson with him he walked with us to our next appointment and just asked me questions about the gospel. We ran into a few members along the way and he shook there hands too and looked at me and said "I want to become a member too". say whaa? haha So we set a return appointment and he's so excited for us to come back. He's golden!
I saw some of the Cainta members too on Saturday after the baptism. One of the families was moving and they had a good bye party for them at the stake center. I got to see Sister Polidario, she is the daughter of Nanay Romana (my sweet 93 yr old convert) she said that nanay is so excited for me to visit. I'm gonna visit them in a few weeks and we have a lunch appointment scheduled. So excited to see my sweet Nanay Romana again! I'm also gonna visit Jenie and Nanay Eveline and Maricel here in the next few weeks. I'm so excited!
Well that's been my week here in Taytay, it's great. I'm getting a little bit of anxiety 4 weeks is gonna fly by. my emotions are kind of all over the place ha. excited but sad to leave. It changes day to day. But at least i have 4 weeks more to work hard and be a full time missionary. I'm gonna make them the best 4 weeks ever:) Have a good week, love you so much!
love, Sister Ammah Jones
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