Hi Family :)
Ammah's very 1st companion from the MTC...they see each other on transfer days and special engagements. Special Friends Forever! |
My first Filipino dish that I made all by my self without any help! haha, it's called Pancit! It's so yum and it turned out perfect
Close up...don't ya want a taste. Ha...I'll make ya some in 11 months.
Children of our less actives they are the sweetest girls I love them:)
Temple tour on Saturday with less actives and investigators
My pangit tan! haha I told you it was bad. I finally have a picture that proves that I can actually tan.
Wow Mom....
those pictures were pretty great. I can't believe you all got sunburned, it looks like you guys are having a blast though, your making me a tad trunky (homesick) but I know we will have opportunities as a family to go to Cali in the future :) You are doing all the same stuff I did when my girlfriends when I went there after high school graduation, riding along the beach on the beach cruisers, Balboa Island awe..yup..that was the best! Maybe someday I'll be able to track along the beaches here in Mindoro who knows! I would love that.
This week has been great and full of blessings, We have found a lot of new investigators and they all have families that they are introducing us to this week that they want us to teach so I'm super excited for that. Families are the perfect people to teach because this gospel is all about families :)
We had the Sister Leaders work with us this week and it was a great opportunity for me I worked with Sister Suarez, she is close to leaving for home and she gave me tons of pointers on how to go finding and tracting, which really helped and inspired me to find more people. She is kind and so spiritual and I appreciated her advice, I found a new friend in her here in the mission. I am so grateful for all the people I've met and become friends here with. These are relationships I would have missed out on if I hadn't gone on a mission. Even relationships with investigators and less actives. I have become close to many people here, as we are nearing our next transfer day I'm getting nervous. I don't want to leave just yet. I love this area oh so much, and I love, love these people. I pray for at least one more transfer in this area.
Speaking of which...this area is really starting to progress and especially if we can get a group started it would progress even more. One investigator we have is Sister Jenny, she has been taught now for 6 months from other missionaries and she has made an impact on me, I just love her so much and really want her to be baptized. She has a bap date for this month hopefully it will happen. She has had a real rough time this past month, she is 23 years old and her husband just recently left her for another women who is pregnant with his child out in the province. Jenny has a one year old son and her heart is completely broken. The thing I love about her most is that she has continued to pray everyday for strength and to find a job so she can support herself and her son. She has a lot of faith in God. She wants to be baptized but she is one that struggles with not having enough fare to get to church. She's been praying a lot to be able to find a good job so that she can save up money to come to church. She's awesome :) . Hopefully I can stay to see her be baptized.
I would also like to stay with Sister Ika too, we have really grown to love each other and she's doing great work here. I have loved being her trainer and hope I may have the opportunity to finish her training this next transfer, we shall see... ahhh, I always get so nervous around transfer day haha. But.. I know the lord knows where I am needed and I will go where he wants me to go:)
Family I love you all so much, be safe while traveling back home na!
Take care of all those sunburns hehe ;)
Sister Jones
Excerpts from a quick letter Ammah sent me on Wed this week. Which was the best birthday gift I could ask for.
Mom..so before you freak out about getting this email when it's not my pday..haha.... we were asked by President to do some online training stuff sometime in the week so I wanted to do it today so I could email you real quick and you would get it on your birthday as a surprise....so...SURPRISE!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I hope you guys are having so much fun there in California, not sure if you have come back already or not but so glad you all had fun. What a fun birthday treat:) Mom I loved your letter that you sent with my new tops. I have read it a few times and I miss you and Dad all the time. Thank you so much for the shirts I tried them on and they look great and I've gotten tons of compliments on them. You said in your letter than you can feel my love for you growing through emails, and it's true! I didn't realize how much I would miss you all till I was gone and now I can't wait to get back to you all. I just look back at how I got here on a mission and it's all thanks to all the things you and Dad taught me and your example. I'll never be able to tell you both how grateful I am for all you do, all I can do is be an example to others so that they know I was raised by great parents;) Mom I hope you have a great birthday and everyone treats you extra special today on your FORTY-SECOND birthday haha woww bata ka, your still so young! Everyone who sees my pictures always tells me how hot my parents are and how young my mom looks haha! serious ako! but really mom Happy Birthday, I love you:) and Dad.. I love you too;)
p.s.. no i'm not a sister trainer haha that is a letter notifying you about me training. that's all I got the same letter actually and I thought the same thing, my heart started pounding so fast! Then I realized what it really meant and I calmed down haha scared me to death! not ready for that yet...
and... tell jade congrats for me I just love her from all that you've told me about her. I'm so glad she and Amelia are friends:) hopefully they will be able to still see each other often even though they go to different schools.
Okay I need to go do my training now ha! just wanted to shoot you an email and say happy birthday:) love you!!!
also p.s. ulit...next week is transfers so pday isn't on Monday it's Tuesday! Love you all give the girls a hug for me muah muah muah sa inyo lahat! mahal ko kayo talaga!