Jan 13 at 2:47 AM
Hello my family and friends,
This is gonna be real short since i
spent most of my time writing my essay questions for my application for school.
Next week will be better..sorry!
Our area is doing great; we have 2
baptisms in February. One of them being a 92 year old woman...yes I said
92! haha she is the most adorable thing and she has a great desire to be
baptized. She is the mother of one of our active members in the ward.
All her children are members but one and almost all of them served
missions as well. She never objected to having her children join the
church but for some reason never did herself. But now she says that she's
ready and feels it's true. You’re never too old to accept the Gospel of
Jesus Christ! We just adore her and she's a little spunky thing too. We
also have several progressing investigators, they aren't ready for baptism yet
and have a lot of things to overcome first but they are getting there and the
Lord is softening their hearts. Members have been a great help with them
really! One of our investigators is a brother named Miguel I think I’ve talked
about him before, he's the investigator that we met his preacher at his
house...yep that one ha...But we stopped by and had a nice talk with him and I
guess the preacher guy is giving them a hard time about continuing to let us in
their home to teach, and everyone in the compound is talking about them because
we visit them. They are losing friends, and Brother Miguel started crying
talking about the trials his family has been having. But he really feels
that something is missing and he says he feels so good when we come. He
hasn't come to church yet and I know that when he comes he will feel the spirit
and feel like his family belongs there. He just needs to come! We
are praying for him...Before we left his preacher walked in and didn't look happy
to see us ha, he immediately started telling us how we need to attend his
service and how earlier a woman had thrown up an evil spirit during the
service...ya...huh...definitely won’t be going to that... :/
But it has been a good week and I
just feel like this transfer is flying by so fast. I've been enjoying it
though, the new calling, the ward, our roommates are the sweetest sisters ever,
and I love my companion! We are hoping she will stay for her last transfer here
but who knows! I'm just happy and feel blessed for all the new experiences I
have every week. Missions are awesome:)
Sister Ammah Jones
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