Called to Serve in the Philippines Quezon City Mission
Speaking the Tagalog language
January 2013 to July 2014

Thursday, December 26, 2013

December 9

Hey Fam:) 
I finally was able to watch Amelia's dance from her concert, Solo and the hip hop one.....I'm speechless...Amelia: where the heck did my sister go?! Why are you so tall now haha and oh my goodness the technique was amazing and I'm so impressed the choreography was beautiful and unique, I'm so proud!:)  Both of you Andelyn and Amelia just look so beautiful up on stage your dances looked so good, Great Job!  I love technology haha It makes me feel like I'm not missing to much. 
Andelyn sounds like you had a great time at the Dance as well, pictures please! and your date looks like a cutey haha.  
Well this week we had zone conference, 3 zones were present each has about 25 missionaries in them from around the mission.  Sister Dickison and I sang the musical number for the program haha we were pretty nervous but it went so well.  Heavenly Father helped us out and we were able to bring the spirit to the conference.  We sang "Brightly beams our fathers mercy"  it was the best we had ever practiced it and we got tons of compliments and everyone loved it.  I even got to see Sister Wilson again:) We both can't believe we only have 7 months left, time is flying!  We had a lot of great workshops there and I learned a lot of things.  It's always great listening to the President and his wife speak, I really love President Revillo he just has a strong spirit about him.  
This week was good, found a few more investigators and lost a few as well.  It's always discouraging when you've taught people for a while and they just really don't have the desire to be baptized.  I've found that it's always one excuse..."I'm to busy"  I'm to be busy to go to church, I didn't read the book of Mormon cause I had to many things to do.  I can't be baptized in your church cause I'm just to busy.....ughhh After my mission I promise you won't ever hear me say those words!....  All we can do is continue to strengthen their faith and love in our Heavenly Father and maybe they will gain a desire to put the lord first in their lives.  Their are so many things to do in this life and responsibilities we have, BUT most of the things we feel like we need to do are just temporal things that are important just for this life, we need to prioritize the things that are of Eternal importance.  I have always loved the story of Martha and Mary in the new Testament.  Christ comes and is teaching in their house and Mary is sitting at his feet listening while Martha is cleaning and doing chores and preparing food etc..She gets frustrated and asks  Christ to tell Mary to help her but Christ tells her that the things she has chosen to do are good but that  Mary had chosen the better part, which was to listen to the words of the Savior.  That also reminds me of the talk by Elder Dallin h. Oaks about "good, better & Best"  As a missionary this has been something the President and his wife have been talking a lot to us about as well.  Choosing the best way to use our time in the field and being the most productive.  Their is a difference to being "busy" and being "productive".  I love you my sweet family, please remember to always put the lord first and make time for him! 

2 more weeks and we get to skype!!!! Also reminder next week is transfer day so I won't email till Tuesday and I'll be day away from turning 22 what the?! That's pretty crayyyyy haha.  

anywhaysss! Love you guys so so much stay sweet:) 

love Sister Ammah Jones

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