On Sunday, February 23, 2014 10:04 PM, Ammah Jones <ammah.jones@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Kamusta sa inyo lahat!
First off I just gotta say......HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Amelia Bedilia aka Braceface:) hehe Grabe ka your turning 14 years old this week, can't believe it. But I hope you have a great day and that everyone treats you extra special:) I'll be thinking of you Sis! p.s. the new braces look cute on you;)
Well this week was good, We had 3 days worth of splits with the other sisters and it went great. We worked out in Antipolo and I always love working over their it's so beautiful and it's so cold! We were walking around at night and It was so chilly haha But the sisters their are great and they have lots of great progressing investigators. Some of the investigators were families that I taught last time we did splits with them too so it was so good to see that they were still listening to the missionaries:)
Our area is doing good, Sister maagad and i have been getting a little bit stressed out because with the responsibility to do splits and we have limited time in our own area so some of our investigators aren't really progressing as fast as we would like and bishop has given us a lot of assignments for this week of visits to do and activities to plan. Part of the problem is that our area is so huge, it's definately the biggest area i've served in and that i've seen when doing splits in other areas. But I know that If we continue to be prayerful and ask the lord for help he will help us to keep up the work in our area and keep up with the responsibilities as STL's...working on that Faith principle on the time I tell ya haha:)
Our workshop at Zone Conference went pretty good everyone enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed giving it. I took a picture of part of it I'll send it next week. Also Sister Sabiano bore her testimony and I balled through her whole testimony and she talked about her family back home and the Typhoon when it hit Leyte. She talked about things she learned on her mission and about the support she had from her brother and one of her companions mothers aka you:) She said with tears streaming down her face "one of my companions mothers has emailed me every week for over half my mission...She became my mother in my mission...and that companions family has become my family" Mom, I'm going to miss her so much.
I'm a little short on time today so I'll end this now but just know I love you!
love, Sister Ammah Jones
Last wednesday was my last zone conference and i bore my testimony ..that is so weird and I met my companion in the MTC that day too..She went home already last week. Our 18 months had passed already and it too fast.. I remember that when I bore my testimony how the Lord had been always there for me for my preparation and I really felt the hand of Heavenly father and felt that HE really exists and mindful of me.. He sent many people in my life so I can perform my calling in the greatest way could ever be..During my testimony i hide my feeling and my tears keep running down my cheeks,,.. I want to share with you the miracles I 've seen before my mission and during my mission,..
the day I started my preparation for my mission......
At my house my parents will not allow us to read our scriptures, or even listen with the church music.. how many times that my father will try to burn my book of mormon but ended up not doing so.. When he will loose on the cock fight or something bad luck ,trials happened in the family my parents will blame my religion ..one of the superstitious beliefs here in the Philippines is if we will change our religion bad luck happen for the rest of our life.. so whatever happens the blame is always on me and my brother.. he is always angry with us if he will see us working with the missionaries and my parents hated seeing us wearing our Sunday best...the thing that I will do is hide my skirts and change at the chapel and work with the missionaries and one night we went home late because we worked with missionaries and it was raining so hard so we didn't go home early.. My father slap my face but I never cried in front of him for knowing that I helped someone that day to be lifted up spiritually.. I don't know what to do with my application to serve a mission so my Missioanry Prep.Class helped me in my process and my bishop is always there for me during my dental and medical..He helped me some of my financial need for my money was not enough..the day that my parents know my application was sent they stopped sending me to school and they said now I can do whatever I want..they just sign my papers because they don't want to give any support.. my desire of going to the mission has been increasing through the trials I been encountering.. the night before I will enter the MTC my parents told me that If I will continue serving my mission they will never accept me after my service. That night my father told me that I am not using my brain anymore that he is totally disappointed with me with all the decisions I am making that days.. THey were so mad at me but that night I could totally see that it is not them ..the parents I know are so kind and loving.. I know that satan that night had hold their hearts.. the same night the missionaries assigned in our ward drop off in our house and just said these words" don't forget that missionary force is on your side" and after saying those words they turn and leave.. My tears was dropping feeling of Heavenly Fathers love and arms encirlced in me and giving me comfort.. that night I went to one of the member house ( he served also his mission now and his serving also in Quezon City..) this person was a convert and same missionaries taught my brother and me.. he the only member and experiencing the same situation with..HE just bore his testimony to me and he lifted me up seeing his strong faith at that young age.. after talking to him I was really comforted..Arriving at our house everybody was sleeping and i went to all the letters I received ..there i saw a note from a missionary assigned in our ward ( this missionary was transferred already that time and on his next area he saw my former bishop and give a note for me not knowing why) I read that note again that night there he wrote that " REmember , when you have hard times on your mission , it is better to get on your knees and pray then try to endure and to only complain.. " I prayed to Heavenly Father for almost 6 hours seeking guidance and comfort and I received it from Him.. The day comes of my entrance to the MTC..when I woke up nobody was at home... I need to be at the Mission Office at 3pm but my money is not yet enough to travel to the MTC and other things I needed...My Bishop and I went to the city to check if he has money but the bank was offline..we went home no money yet..1:30 pm we went to one of the members house and ask for help..they have money but they need to use it for their fertilizers on the rice fields but they decided to gave it to me because I need it more and they have faith that they can find more the next days..around 2 pm the Mission President called me that in 30 mins in need to be in the office so he can set me apart..I went home and pull my luggage's but nobody was still home..walking away from home the spirit was telling me not to look back for if I do that I will go back and not to serve my mission..that was the most painful thing I ever did but replaced with too much joy knowing that I can serve my mission after all the things that happened.. I saw my bishop crying while I was leaving ..the day I left home I told my self I will accept what will happen to me but I will strive my very best to be successful on my mission so when I go back my parents saw the happiness i felt during my mission that I will never feel any regret of my decision.. At the MTC the LOrd provided me the companions who can help me to be more stronger..on my mission the lord gave me companions and mission leaders who will support me and strengthen me. one of the blessings I received is your family..the family that is very dear to me..the family that heavenly father sent for me in answer to my prayers..no words I can express how grateful I am to your lovely family.. it is really true that the LOrd will provide someone for us to uplift us and be there for us .. I know that in the Pre-existence the Father knows that I will need you in my life that's why Sister JOnes became my companion.. I have so much joy leaving my mission for I know I will still have the people I love after my mission.. the lord show me how many times in his mighty hand to help me and help me feel that he really exists by sending other people to me..
now, I am so happy leaving my mission,with great courage to move forward, great love for my family and other people and ready to establish a family that can go back to the celestial kingdom.
have a great week..
Sister Sabiano
Philippines Quezon City Mission
August 2012-March 2014

Ammah and her 1st companion and trainer Sister Charmagne Sabiano.
wow.....talking about a touching letter....I just can't help with tears coming down while reading this at work....what an amazing sister!! Thank you so much for sharing and your taking care of her ....